Monday, April 9, 2012

Put a bird on it!

Hello again!

I made another new mix. It's all about birds! Everything from crows and magpies to swans and hummingbirds! Have a listen. It's not that bad really. Feel free to comment and whatnot.

Hopefully I'll have some more mixes coming soon. But back to work tomorrow so less time for playing on here with my music. :)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

A cover of music for you.

Good evening the Internet!

I have made a mix for you!

Oh, sorry, I should start by saying welcome to my "new blog" which I've had for quite a while but not yet posted on. This blog is mainly to display any music mixes I make. But maybe sometime there will be some other rambling.

Anyway, my first mix is a list of cover songs I quite like. It's sort of a top 10 but there's 11 so I guess not really...

So hopefully that link above works. Hope you like it. :)
