Sunday, April 8, 2012

A cover of music for you.

Good evening the Internet!

I have made a mix for you!

Oh, sorry, I should start by saying welcome to my "new blog" which I've had for quite a while but not yet posted on. This blog is mainly to display any music mixes I make. But maybe sometime there will be some other rambling.

Anyway, my first mix is a list of cover songs I quite like. It's sort of a top 10 but there's 11 so I guess not really...

So hopefully that link above works. Hope you like it. :)



  1. I was about to comment how I like the listening device in the blog. However, when I clicked on the comment link in order to do that, the music stopped. Anyway, this mix is SO FAR SO GOOD :)

  2. Oh very good. Glad you like. You should maybe join up to the page and make mixes too!
